Group of Sustaniability of Soil-Plant Systems
García-Carmona, M., García-Orenes, F., Mataix-Solera, J., Roldán, A., Pereg, L., Caravaca, F. (2021)
Salvage logging alters microbial community structure and functioning after a wildfire in a Mediterranean forest
Applied Soil Ecology, 168, art. no. 104130, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.104130
Curaqueo, G., Roldán, A., Mutis, A., Panichini, M., Pérez-San Martín, A., Meier, S., Mella, R. (2021)
Effects of biochar amendment on wheat production, mycorrhizal status, soil microbial community, and properties of an Andisol in Southern Chile
Field Crops Research, 273, art. no. 108306, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2021.108306
Bernal, M.P., Grippi, D., Clemente, R. (2021)
Potential of the biomass of plants grown in trace element-contaminated soils under mediterranean climatic conditions for bioenergy production
Agronomy, 11 (9), art. no. 1750, .
Escobar-Niño, A., Sánchez-Barrionuevo, L., Torres-Torres, J.M., Clemente, R., Gutiérrez, G., Mellado, E., Cánovas, D. (2021)
An arsRB resistance operon confers tolerance to arsenite in the environmental isolate Terribacillus sp. AE2B 122
FEMS microbiology ecology, 97 (3), .