Publicaciones Científicas- 2018

First blog post

Querejeta, J.I., Prieto, I., Torres, P., Campoy, M., Alguacil, M.M., Roldán, A. (2018)
Water-spender strategy is linked to higher leaf nutrient concentrations across plant species colonizing a dry and nutrient-poor epiphytic habitat
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 153, pp. 302-310.

Rodríguez-Caballero, G., Caravaca, F., Roldán, A. (2018)
The unspecificity of the relationships between the invasive Pennisetum setaceum and mycorrhizal fungi may provide advantages during its establishment at semiarid Mediterranean sites
Science of the Total Environment, 630, pp. 1464-1471.

Trujillo-Narcía, A., Rivera-Cruz, M.C., Trujillo-Rivera, E.A., Garrigos, A.R. (2018)
Reintroducing plant coverage in a tropical wetland contaminated with oil and sulfate: Rhizosphere effects on Desulfovibrio populations [Reintroducción de cobertura vegetal en un humedal tropical contaminado con petróleo y sulfato: efecto de la rizosfera sobre poblaciones de Desulfovibrio]
Revista de Biologia Tropical, 66 (2), pp. 908-917.

Arco-Lázaro, E., Pardo, T., Clemente, R., Bernal, M.P. (2018)
Arsenic adsorption and plant availability in an agricultural soil irrigated with As-rich water: Effects of Fe-rich amendments and organic and inorganic fertilisers
Journal of Environmental Management, 209, pp. 262-272.


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