Scientifics Publications- 2009

First blog post

López-Pérez, L. Martínez Ballesta, M.C., Maurel, C., Carvajal, M. (2009)
Changes in plasma membrane composition of broccoli roots as an adaptation to increase water transport under salinity.
Phytochemistry 70 492–500

López-Berenguer, C Martínez-Ballesta, M.C. Moreno, D.A.,Carvajal, M., García-Viguera, C. (2009)
Growing Hardier Crops for Better Health: Salinity Tolerance and the Nutritional Value of Broccoli.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 57, 572–578

M.C Martínez-Ballesta, B. Muries, L. López-Pérez, O. Muñoz- Azcarate, M. Carvajal (2009).
Climate change and water uptake by plants. Role of aquaporins.
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews Vol 2, 5-47.

Jurado O, Martínez- Ballesta M.C, Dodd I, Carvajal M, Cuartero J, Romero-Aranda R. (2009)
Effect of tos-1 mutation on apoplast and symplast root water flow: interactions between root ABA and aquaporins on root hydraulic conductance.
Physiologia Plantarum 137, 36-43

López-Pérez L., M.C. Martínez-Ballesta, C. Maurel, M. Carvajal. (2009).
Changes in plasma membrane composition, lipids and aquaporins, of broccoli roots as an adaptation to increase water transport under salinity.
Phytochemistry 70, 492-500.


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