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General Information

To achieve our aim: improving agricultural and food development within a sustainable use of natural resources in semi-arid environments, we carry out research in the fields of agricultural sciences, food science and technology and conservation of natural resources.


In agricultural sciences, our activity ranges from research to achieve more productive, higher quality species, to rationalising the use of water resources and optimising the nutrition of plants. Besides, we are studying how to improve the response of plants to conditions of drought, salinity and other stresses and we are investigating how to achieve species that are more resistant to diseases.


In food science and technology, we carry out research to develop new products and processes in order to obtain high-quality, safe and healthy vegetable foods and to promote health through more nutritional foods that are beneficial to consumers.

In conservation of natural resources, we develop strategies to remediate contaminated soils, to combat processes of degradation and desertification and to protect soils using remedies derived from organic waste.


At the CEBAS-CSIC, we are aware of the importance of applying research achievements to real life and of transferring laboratory results to society; therefore, our technology transfer office promotes and coordinates the transfer of research results to companies and other entities.



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